by Patrick K. Wier, MBA
Do you like to read but find very little time? Are there books related to your trade you’ve heard about from a colleague or on your social media timeline that you know would add value to your work? If you’re like me and many others you’ve found every excuse to not get around to it. That bookshelf collects more dust each day while your television set gets regular attention. Effective, daily habits that lead to a more disciplined and satisfying life take a little bit of thought but can be surprisingly simple to achieve. Reading more is easier than ever.
Audiobooks are a convenient way to get your reading in while making your commuting more productive. There are a couple dozen audiobook platforms in the market compatible with many mobile devices available at a reasonable monthly cost. Memberships average $15 per month and have multiple tiers of membership and platforms. The top three platforms are Audible.com, Overdrive.com and Downpour.com. My commuting companion of choice is Audible allowing me to listen to one book across two to three days. However, just 15 minutes a day means you will complete one book per month in a 20 day work month. Is twelve books in a year more or less than you read last year?
Hard copies are the most intimate way to read and can be surprisingly simple to incorporate into your work day. The author Steven King’s insatiable reading habit is legendary. He has a book in hand when checking out at the grocery store, waiting in line for a movie and while on walks. However, it doesn’t have to be so consuming. A daily routine of 20 to 30 minutes of reading early in the morning or at night exercises the mind and provides food for thought the next day. Zig Ziglar in his book See You at the Top states that twenty minutes of reading each day adds up to twenty two hundred page books in a calendar year. Got 20?
Eliminating unproductive or unnecessary activities is a great opportunity to increase your reading time. Try considering a few things over the next week- how many hours did you spend watching television (weekends included)? How much time did you spend scrolling through your social media timelines? Add those up and the answer could be shocking. Don’t forgo your favorite Netflix binge worthy shows completely, rather use part of that time knocking out 30 minutes of reading. You might get carried away and forget about the next episode of Game of Thrones entirely!
Get a reading buddy Having a friend or significant other hold you accountable will keep you on track to make your experience more fulfilling. There are a few apps that provide recommendations based on books you’ve read to expand your scope in an area of focus while also providing a platform to share your thoughts on books with a like-minded community. The two most downloaded on the iOs app store are Reco and Goodreads. For those readers who are into running we can call this the Strava of reading. How many friends or colleagues do you speak with or share ideas on certain topics that you think would make a good reading buddy?
Set Small Goals We all have them in various shapes and sizes. Landmarks help focus our journeys to get us to a desired destination. Would you drive from Los Angeles to New York City without stopping? Of course not. Staggered reading lessens the burden of long reads and can be approached in the same manner as a cross country trip. A 200 page book can be broken into 15 to 20 page landmarks to make reading more realistic and enjoyable. It also allows for greater contemplation on a small but significant part of a book. The virtue of reading is to allow one to explore new ideas, go to undiscovered places in our mind and connect with other people in an enlightened way.
If you are reading this article up to this point you enjoy reading and understand intuitively the value it adds to your job or your personal journey. With an estimated one million books published each year in the U.S. alone there is no shortage of material to fit each person’s taste. However, you might not be able to find the time to explore the topics pertinent to your profession or your personal taste. Start with these five ways to carve out just a little more in each day. In which ways are you struggling to read that book you saw the other day? Where will you tailor your day to make reading a greater priority in your life?
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